Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Pope Joan? A role-play character possibility....

I had a lengthy e-mail conversation with a customer, helping her to place a rush order for something non-SL. Turns out the woman I was e-mailing with is the author of an intriguing book -- one that looks like it could lead to an interesting role-play....

I'm pretty sure I remember reading a line or two somewhere in a college history book about this historical figure.

The copy on the website says, "For 1,200 years her existence has been denied. She is the legend that will not die--the woman who disguised herself as a man and sat for two years on the papal throne."

Now, there's an intriguing female character to play. Of course, someone would have to either build a sim around it.. or I'd have to find one where it existed. And a bit of research would be needed too.. on my reading list now.... (in my spare time)

More about the book, which is coming out as movie: here

1 comment:

  1. I have that book! Got it when it first came out. Really an intriguing story. I always thought it would make a great film... an SL character sounds even more interesting.
